SCHIC winner Offshore oscar Health & Safety during Belgian Offshore Days


The SCHIC project was chosen as the winner during the opening reception of the Belgian Offshore Days:

SCHIC stands for Safety Culture Health Improvement Campaign and is a campaign that C-Power launched in 2015 with its subsidiary THBMS (then Senvion Benelux) and main contractor John Cockerill. The 3 companies decided to join forces to make the wind farm on the Thornton Bank a healthier and safer working environment. Meanwhile, the program is well established; here we continue to focus on awareness and prevention to ensure a culture of safe working.

Some examples: Twice a year we organize a safety day where everyone is present and the employees actively contribute with workshops and presentations. On every safety day we launch a new theme (e.g. first aid) that will be put in the spotlight in the following months. Various safety working groups take place throughout the year, each with members from the 3 companies. Management is involved in this together with administrative staff and technicians. We find that mix very important, so we have input from all sides. There is also a monthly newsletter with safety news and on bad weather days, internal safety exercises are organized specific for our companies (such as first aid, reanimation, person overboard exercises, rescue exercises on our training construction in our warehouse, learning knots,…) . SCHIC also has a mascot Juliet who informs us about all kinds of security matters.

The campaign can be seen as unique because it spans the 3 companies. We have deliberately chosen to broaden this to our contractors and not to make it an exclusive C-Power story. This is the only way to really involve everyone working with us. All employees have the opportunity to participate in the working groups and learn about certain safety topics.